A Tribute to Alice Nuno

by Tabitha Madrid

Many people have inspired me throughout my life, but I can narrow it down to a few people when asked who inspired me the most. One pivotal person happens to be the former owner of Foster’s Hotel, Restaurant, and Saloon, Alice Nuno.

I first met Alice when I was a young girl. Alice is grandmother to my two sisters and was always so welcoming when I would see her. Later on in life, I was blessed to be able to work for Alice as her Bookkeeper/Payroll Admin. In those short five years, I was able to get to know Alice on a personal level. 

With my office right next to her apartment, I had the joy of being able to be around Alice daily. She would always greet me with a good morning. And would then ask me how her little Danikka was doing. Danikka is my oldest daughter, and she and Alice had a special bond. Danikka loved visiting with Alice, and Alice enjoyed it just as much. Whether it was running errands for Alice or bringing her coffee, the simplest of tasks were extra special because I could see her more. It was never a dull moment between her and me. There was one hilarious moment in particular where I can still hear her contagious laugh to this day.

I had just walked into the office. After greeting me, Alice then asked if I could call the grocery store in town to see if they carried “cornashins” (something I had never heard of in my life). Doing as Alice asked, I then called our local grocery store to ask if they carried “cornashins.” It was no surprise that the manager had no clue what I was asking for. I then went back into the apartment to ask Alice what exactly was a “cornashin?” Alice bursts out laughing with the biggest smile on her face, and after catching her breath from laughing so hard, she explained she was actually asking for “Cornish Hens.” Looking back, we had a few funny moments but none as funny and memorable as this.

Alice Nuno was born in Canjilon, NM. She had four brothers and four sisters whom she loved dearly. She later married Jose Nuno. They explored life’s adventures and enjoyed being wonderful parents to George Sr., Johnny, Joey, Johnny, Anna, Rosario, Rebecca, and Josefina. Her children often talk about the memorable time spent with their mother. Rebecca remembers being young every summer her mother would take her and her siblings to Disney Land. Josefina will always hold close to her heart the time her sisters spent with their mother in Hawaii. 

Alice always glowed with cheer when her family members, near or far, stopped by Foster’s to visit with her. She kept her brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren, nephews, nieces, great-grandchildren, and friends that stopped by to see her close to her heart. Alice also had a very close friend named Jane, whom she cared for very much. Alice especially enjoyed girl time wither her sisters Ernie and Helen. When all three were in one room, it was nonstop laughter and happiness.

I will always remember Alice with a smile that would brighten up anyone’s day. Her determination and kindness towards others were admirable, and it exemplifies the woman that I will admire for the rest of my life. In my opinion, this is what made Alice a genuine role model. I was blessed to know her; a heart doesn’t forget someone like her.

Photo collage of Alice Nuno with friends and family
Photo Collage of Alice Nuno with friends & family
Alice Nuno with Tabitha Madrid and Danikka
Alice Nuno, Tabitha Madrid, & Danikka
Alice Nuno with Danikka
Alice Nuno & Danikka

To learn more about Alice Nuno and her legacy, come visit Foster’s! We’d be happy to sit down with you over a cup of coffee or a cold beer and share with you stories of her incredible spirit. See you soon!

2 Comments on “A Tribute to Alice Nuno

  1. Alice was my mom Levie’s sister. Alice was the BEST. I will hold her close to my heart and i think of her often. Many good memories with Alice. A very strong independent WOMEN!!! I love you Tia Alice!!! NEVER FORGOTTEN.

  2. This is such a beautiful blog. Well done 💖💖💖

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